What an amazing two-day Hybrid event hosted by Foy’s Arcade!
It was an absolute pleasure to host our first hybrid event for 2021 – The B4SI (Business for Societal Impact) Annual Conference – Creating an Environment for Social Impact.
Hybrid events are a great way to keep everyone together. Whether you’re in the venue or watching from home, we hope that everyone attending can experience the conference.
Over the two-day conference we heard from social impact professionals from around the Globe, including presenters and contributors from Asia Pacific, Europe and more! We enjoyed two days of eye-opening video submissions of social impact stories, in depth panel discussions and high production presentations from the B4SI team.
Foy’s Arcade looked like a Newsroom, with multiple zones in use, presenters in front with teleprompters, and in the background videos playing, logos scrolling through and other content up on the screens.
B4SI is not only a network of businesses around the world but a set of frameworks that have been created over time to create a global language to build social impact.
The B4SI frameworks have been recognised among others by GRI, UN Global Compact and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.
After the formalities were concluded on each day, all the attendees split off into breakout rooms and enjoyed back and forth discussions on their chosen topics to end the day.
It was such a privilege to host B4SI (formerly corporate citizenship) at Foy’s once again! With so many behind the scenes and passionate speakers and contributors we learned so much, and had a great time supporting this spectacular two day event!